Thursday, April 15, 2010

What is up with all these stupid professional athletes?

It seems like every week there is a story on some professional athlete acting like a moron. These guys think they are above the law just because they are rich and famous. It drives me crazy that these guys can act like that. They have been given an extremely huge gift of talent and opportunity and this is how they choose to respond. Then you have guys like me who are athletes that would have given anything to play professional sports and would have been extremely grateful for that opportunity.

On the other hand there are a lot of professional athletes out there doing great things. The problem is that most people never hear about them. Why is it that 90% of news/sports stories have to be about bad things? Maybe that is why bad people do bad things because they like the attention. Or maybe they are just stupid and don’t know any better. Either way, maybe if we didn’t talk about or publicize all these bad stories all the time and instead focused on the good stories we would be better off.

Frustrated with all the stupidity and negativity!


  1. What a great first post! You are so is totally frustrating!!! I even get tired of hearing all about the negative stuff and I don't even listen to that much sports talk. People sure can take a lot of stuff for granted. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Love you!

  2. right on amos! seriously frustrating. i can't at all say that i am missing any of that negative hype being away..definitely not. but i do miss you all. it was good to read this blog. thanks for speaking your mind. love ya...m.e.

  3. it is sad that so many professionals make stupid choices because so many kids (and adults) look up to them. they have the power to do so much good for world and most of them mess it up.

  4. Alright, Amos. Welcome to the blogging world! And I am with you. Why can't the news be focused on all of the positive things people are doing?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It's how the news networks are engineered. They want people to watch their stories, and one of the ways to get us to do so is to air sad or negative stories. In a national emergency, world leaders say "serious crisis" because "crisis" isn't bad enough. What has the world come to?

      Sorry for long comment,
      -Salman :D
